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Members Rides Section - PLEASE READ!

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:48 pm
by Speedlaw
Hi everyone,

This is the place to show the world your motor. The idea behind it all was to have a designated place to park the members' rides, as it were. If you've ever wondered what another member was driving, or simply wanted to show off your Zymöl'd ride, this is the place!

To keep things simple, we suggest that every member has his or her own topic in this forum section. In it you can post pictures of your car, state a couple of essential facts and/or tell us your plans for it.

We also ask you to keep the size of your pictures to a modest 30k, and resize them to a width of 7" or 17.78cm. This is to keep the time it takes to load the page to a minimum.

*Please refrain from 'Photoshopping' pictures*

If you don't have a place to upload your photo's, try The actual posting of the pics in your topic is done using the [ img ] tags. This is an example of how it would look when you're typing it in:

Code: Select all

We'll try to help where we can, just give any of the moderators a PM.

A final note is on the topic title. Instead of naming your topic:



[Your screen name] and [a short description of your car]

So in my case it would be:

Speedlaw's 1997 Dragon Green 1.6

I thinks that's it! Have fun!

If you still have trouble posting pics, read this thread:


Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 1:40 am
by Josh_PoloGTi
Both myself and a number of Moderators have agreed that this section should be used as a gallery and therefore after posting a new "Members Ride" no one will be able to respond to it.

This will make this area much tidier and more like a gallery.

All posts are currently being edited to reflect this change.

If you need to amend your post, to change details or add/remove photos, you will still be able to do this, just edit your first post.
