What is it with these people?

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What is it with these people?

Post by Josh_PoloGTi »

What is it with these people???

I have just driven into town to get my hair cut...

On the way there, minding my own business, I decide to overtake the car in front of me... It's on a very straight bit of road, nothing coming the other way, so indicator on, look in the mirror and away I go...

Until I notice the driver of the car I was overtaking is sticking the "V's" up at me out of his window!
I hadn't been driving too close or anything like that! So I thought WTF and beeped at him! (before continuing on my way).

Had my hair cut and on my way back home...

On a road with 2 lanes on each side, I was in the outside lane. I get to some traffic lights and beyond these lights the road changes to 1 lane on each side.
People usually use the inside lane to turn into the T-Junction to the left, as the right of way forwards goes to the car in the outside lane...

Lights turn green, I set off... Car in the inside lane is "neck and neck" with me... Some parked cars on the left, so usually, you would just slow down and pull out when there was nothing coming, but no, they just pull out while only half a cars length ahead of me, forcing me to swerve into oncoming traffic. I beep... The passenger hangs out of the window giving me the "V's" and ahem, shaking his fist up and down at me, then turning round looking at me etc!

Again... WTF???

Is it "National - Try to start road rage with someone in a small car day"?
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Post by Speedlaw »

Someone flipped me off yesterday too. A Dub even! I guess he thought I didn't move over fast enough, or whatever... Perhaps it's the weather...

dub envy
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Post by dub envy »

I love a good bit of road rage!! Driving round london in my little white kangoo, shirt off, looking like a pikey! I love shouting at people and telling them to 'f' off!! If they ever got out and started though, i'd prolly sh!t my pants and drive as fast as my little 1.9 n/a diesel could take me!!!
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Post by Scorpio1 »

Seems to be the day for it. The amount of bad driving I have seen today, it must be the 'Sunday' drivers.

What really gets to me as well is people who walk out into the road without even looking!!!
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