So quiet on this forum!

Non-VW related chat - Moderated
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Post by Sadgeek »


I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who only posts when they have something to say, or are desperate for info.

Sure, we could all have thousands of indicated posts, but if they're saying nothing, or causing aggro, why bother.

This is one of the best forums I am a member of, and the thing I like about it (quite apart from the friendlyness of it) is that you don't have to wade through pages of trash to get to the odd one or two interesting posts. Instead, they're all relevant and pertinent to the subject header.

Josh, you do a great job and I'll certainly put you forward for a MBE. Same goes for the other regulars (too many to mention) who are an absolute godsend when you hit on an issue that's out to ruin your day!
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Post by polo2k »

Sadgeek wrote: Sure, we could all have thousands of indicated posts, but if they're saying nothing, or causing aggro, why bother.
seen as im the only one above 1000 at the moment ill runs
<--------runs-and-hides :oops:
and you are right this is the friendlyest forum i visit
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Post by Sadgeek »


Deepest apologies. This wasn't aimed at anyone, and from experience, you've only got so many posts because you go out of your way to help people (I'm sure Martyn would back me up on that one)! :oops:

Does me good to get a slap every now and then though
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Post by polo2k »

ah dont worry i was just playing :D i hope you didnt get the wrong end of the stick from me pretending to get the right end of the stick becase sticks and stone.....
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Post by Sadgeek »

You gotta be joking. I spent too longer in the services and developed too thick a skin 8)

Now, that Speedy on the other hand... a couple more days and he'll be over the 1k barrier too :wink:

Do you think this thread might be better in the Clubhouse?
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Post by Speedlaw »



Ash - did you notice that you were on 762 posts just this April? Man. That's some serious posting.


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Post by polo2k »

i think that ive slowed down actually but then again i might just be typing faster :P
dub envy
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Post by dub envy »

big can also be bad. very bad.
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Post by Scorpio1 »

This forum is good. I mean if I hadn't come across it, where else would I have known about getting a really good H.I.D kit from, the cubby box mod (which I have to order), info on the Gamma, ice stuff, the best 9N pictures on the net, MPG info, the list goes on.

More people will join, it's just takes a while before people find out about a good site, I.E :wink:

I am going to post a few different bits in the DIY section as I think it will help others when I get the car and carry out my mods near enough as soon as I get it! Yes I am impatient, (5 more weeks) :( but it will be worth it! :twisted:
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Post by Nelson_Wilbury »

Now I am quite happy for someone to correct me here but I can't really imagine that Porka or any other English speaking Polo messageboard are even in the same creative and informative category as uk-polos. Now I know that may sound a bit far fetched, but let consider the facts...

* Seperate forums for EVERY model Polo.
* Most useful, diverse and creative modification and DIY write-ups i've seen on any VW Polo site.
* Very little (or nil!) spam
* We cater for people who aren't interested in modding there cars just as much as people who are (Two good examples being cyhliu>Karlm)
* Also (and more importantly) we cater for all age groups. If I person of age 50+ visits uk-polos and porka to ask about his dodgy temperature gauge. Who do you think he'll choose? (Do I really have to give an answer to that!?!)
* Finally, and I mean with the greatest respect to GTi/GT/G40 owners. But I don't call a MK4 1.0 with 21" wheels a 'Performance Polo', I call it an oxymoron.

That wasn't really directed at Porka itself, just other Polo sites in general. I do post and get on with other members on other boards. But I can't help thinking WHY they post there!

I often wonder (and I mean really wonder) what I'd be doing right now if I hadn't I typed in 'polo messageboard' in Google about a year ago. The amount of knowledge i've gained here I would have never found in ANY book and I've met some really nice (if strange!) people along the way...

So what if we aren't as big as Porka yet? Many of the posts at Porka are of little merit (i.e. spam) and usually not even Polo related, nearly every post here contributes something useful to the discussion at hand.

I believe this time next year we will have the same, if not more members than porka, now I know that may sound far fetched, but I joined this site when there were 91 members, 11 months later and we are fast approaching the 550 mark.

Just my 2p :)
dub envy
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Post by dub envy »

I hope that this board isnt as big as porka in a year... it much less personal when there are soo many members.

This is a nice warm cozy place where we can all huddle together.

Can I get a group hug??
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Post by mole »

Nelson_Wilbury wrote:I've met some really nice (if strange!) people along the way...
Not that strange am I? :roll: :wink:
Last edited by mole on Sun Nov 23, 2003 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nelson_Wilbury »

mole wrote:
Nelson_Wilbury wrote:I've met some really nice (if strange!) people along the way...
Not that strange am I? :roll: :wink:


Not saying anything :wink: :P

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Post by mole »

Ok! I completely agree with you!! :lol:
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Post by dubster82 »

well to be honest, i've found that i've stumbled accross a good forum here with a good bunch of lads on it too. i didnt find this in a search engine tho, and still find it hard to find!! but the link was actually put up by someone one

This (corrado forum) is a really good forum, with over 1000 members within the first year. You wouldnt think it but there was already quite a web base for the good ol Rado before this forum, but in the form of a E-mail list. so it got alot of users from that, but it gets new people evry day. Its a very good community on there. not too many at all. perhaps over moderated at times but not too bad.
The site is very well set up and i'd say alot of Forums in the UK coul check it out and make improvements in there own. its lttli things like quickposts etc.. that help. like i say, very solid communitly feel in it, and most of the users will only read, or post once, just to find out something likw "ehat oil" or how does that work" etc.... and they will usually get an answr almost imediatly.

I feel this forum is very much in the same vein as it, and could do well to get more members, but its about appealing to a market.

I t also doesnt help that i struggled to find this forum. The admin of the C forum haas script in the program that now i tihnk its the first thing on Goolge when you type in corrado (nearly if its not).

If this was easier to find, maybe even an additional addy of polo-forum? i believe you would get more members.

on a note about Porka, i found that easier to find. but too many muppets (not all of them tho, nut most of them :lol:) and soo hard too navigate!! and posted i tihnk about twice and gave up :lol:

This site has everything possibly wanted from a polo forum i think. maybe not perfect, but definatly up there with the best.

Long reply, but i hope it doesnt offend anyone. just my personal opinion.

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