Bought a mk2!

Chat about your MKI or MKII Polo (86 and 86F)
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Location: Manchester Drives: '83 GL Classic

Post by Gareth_GT_Hatch »

bah humbug!

On a lighter note its a joy to drive and I love it. Overtaking other cars people must think "wtf?" to see an 18 year old shopping car overtaking with quite some pace (coupe S engine remember 8) ) Its great on the mway, never went over 4000rpm on the way home last night (which is about 85mph) Fast as anyone needs really

Anyone wana buy my GT? :wink:
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Post by GroovyCarrot »

Ah, fair enough, couldn't really tell the steering wheel under that steering lock, and I thought the spoiler was standard on all 'top of the range' models and the C's from 1986 on, must be mistaken though :)
The 4+e plastic gearknob that I had on mine for a while (all I could find when I first fitted the 5 speed box, even though mine's the close ratio type) also had the 'e' faded off. Seems to be something of a design feature.. I was trying to work out how I could fit something along the lines of 'Warp 9' in it's place, but gave up and got a leatherette one instead :D
The black vinyl doorcards aren't too rare, mine's got them and I've seen them in a couple of cars at the scrappy. I think there may be a Polo C in the scrappy with those cards at the moment, can have a look if you want.
As for the autochoke, welcome to the club. Ridiculous contraption if I ever saw one..
Heavy clutch seems to be a feature of early polos as well. I always use neutral sitting in traffic, my leg's not strong enough to hold it down for long!

Now, overtaking.. I'm amazed that you're blessed with such privaledges, I guess that extra 10bhp must make quite a difference! Whilst it's easy to pretend the 1043 is nippy, I've still not progressed past overtaking JCB's and milkfloats :D
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Post by Gareth_GT_Hatch »

Well the overtaking thing is just the occasional jaunt on the dual carriageway, it pulls really well in third, its got more torque than the 1.0 as well which always helps.

Youre right about all the other models having a spoiler though, its just the ranger that's "too good for one" :D

Thanks for the offer of looking at some scrapyards for me, Theres plenty down my way for me to have a look in, I will get back to you if I dont come up with anything.

did your doorcards have pockets in? I was wondering if I could retro-fit some...
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Post by Tahrey1043 »

well if you're stuck at a constant speed using 45hp....

then a 55hp will have 10hp more...

which is about as much power as you can put out around 1500rpm with the 1-litre

and you know already i hope that there's still quite a bit of push to be had there............ may not sound like much but 10hp / 22% is quite substantial in such terms!
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Post by GroovyCarrot »

My cards don't have pockets, but I have seen black vinyl cards with them fitted, so I guess it can be done. I'd like to fit some to mine, but it means finding somewhere else for my front speakers, don't know where else to put them really.
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Post by Gareth_GT_Hatch »

Fair doos. Im just gonna have a single front speaker in mine and fit some spare standard 4x6's ive got lying about for the back shelf supports. I'll leave the good stuff in the GT I think. 8)
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Post by GroovyCarrot »

Mm, that sounds like a plan.. do you know what size the front speaker should be? Mine only came with the ones in the back, which could do with replacing.. guess I could move the front speakers onto the parcel shelf and put a half decent single speaker in the front..
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Location: Manchester Drives: '83 GL Classic

Post by Gareth_GT_Hatch »

Theyre all the same size; 4" by 6"

Just been looking through the history of this car and its literally had 1000s spent including £400 3 years ago on a head rebuild and £200 on a new fuel tank 5 years ago. All done by VW. If id spent all that money on one of these cars id be in tears! Unbelievable. Im glad someone else has footed the bill though. :)
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