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Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:28 pm
by skipster
JohnPolo wrote:Have been driving the car hard at times since having ring/scraper upgrade. Car has covered about 1100 and the oil level has dropped from 3/4 to around 1/4 full on the hatched area. :?
I would not panic just yet John, I still reckon that now we have had new rIngs, these in themselves will take some time to bed in somewhat and oil consumption may still be high'ish.

I cant make any direct comparison to you as I have not even done 700 yet since picking it up, but fortunanetly the level on mine is still at max. I know what you must be thinking though, how long do you have keep leaving things to know if there is still a problem.

Having done 1,100 on the new rings, I would expect consumption to tail off somewhat at this point. Perhaps top it up and check again at 1,500. Have you seen any tell tale smoke out of the exhaust or sooty deposits over the hatch?

I will be mad though if this is a false dawn and the problem still persists, albeit not to the same extent as previously.

Using Oil!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:37 am
by daydotz
Worse case I expect this fix brings it into line vw what vw deem normal

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:31 pm
by JohnPolo
Seemed to use no oil at first. Had smoke a couple of times but I think it may have been tyre smoke from a quick starting position. :? Seems to be no smoke when I floor it, when already travelling at moderate/slow speed.
The car otherwise drives beautifully.
We'll see.

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:01 am
by gavs
VW engines burn oil when being flogged regardless, it's part of the way they drop their fuel consumptioin by having lower internal friction. A friend of mine has a Mk5 Golf GTi and it doesn't burn oil most of teh time but when it's being given teh berries big time, it burns oil.

Just wait for a while JohnPolo, it may still settle down:) If it's burning oil when being driven sedately, then you have a proper big problem:)

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:56 am
by Stugolf1
I have to agree with the above statement, I've just drove nearly 1000 gentle miles in a week and hardly used a drop but when I give it the beans it seems to use the oil :?

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:03 pm
by JohnPolo
I hear what you are saying. Most of my driving is at a normal pace and I've been testing for tell tale signs of exhaust smoke with hard acceleration. I guess after owning all previous Polo GTI models , which didn't drink oil, it's a learning curve with this one. Having to work out if it's just one of those things or VW engineering has got something very wrong. Why are some of the cars problem free, some very problematic and a few like mine somewhere in the middle?! Will be driving like I have the Queen and the Archbishop of Canterbury in the back of the car for the next few hundred miles to evaluate further. :)

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:45 am
by JohnPolo

Fix hasn't worked. Car back at dealership. Most of the oil gone. :roll:
In talks with them and VW UK.

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:45 pm
by skipster
JohnPolo wrote:NEWSFLASH

Fix hasn't worked. Car back at dealership. Most of the oil gone. :roll:
In talks with them and VW UK.
Can't believe this John, from what you have said before car seemed to be fine for several hundred miles and then, boom! All the oil has gone.

Yes - if this happens to me, I would be in talks about rejecting the car (as a couple of the other guys on this forum). That is bad news. What was on the clock when you took it back? I know you said 1,100 since rings replaced before. I have only done about 750, all ok, but I have not checked it for a few days.

I am angry for you mate!

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:12 pm
by JohnPolo
Hi Skipster, I'd covered about 1200 miles since the fix, total car mileage around 12700. Had the car for just over 1 year, negotiations will be interesting.

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:47 am
by gavs
I'm guessing too that when teh new rings and pistons went in, teh bores weren't re-honed properley either.

Demand a brand new engine built after Feb 2011 or a new car.

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:29 am
by skipster
gavs wrote:I'm guessing too that when teh new rings and pistons went in, teh bores weren't re-honed properley either.

Demand a brand new engine built after Feb 2011 or a new car.
Hi Gavs, I had the same work done. I don't think they did any cylinder re-honing. I have about 750 miles and don't see an issue yet. I will be very hacked off (putting it very mildly) if I end up with the same problem.

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:50 pm
by JohnPolo
Have said to them that I want a new engine or my money back, will not accept another engine strip. (This was a new car not some crappy old motor). Dealership still waiting to hear from VW technical. :roll:

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:10 pm
by skipster
JohnPolo wrote:Have said to them that I want a new engine or my money back, will not accept another engine strip. (This was a new car not some crappy old motor). Dealership still waiting to hear from VW technical. :roll:
Quite right John, these are £20k cars, not some sub £10k runabout, you should not have to be messed around. I bet they will want to strip the engine again, that is just not on. Bad enough the engine being taken apart once, but twice I would start to worry about seals, sensors and all the other bits and pieces that make up a modern engine. New engine or new car.

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:56 pm
by big_amir

I've got my car back finally. It's not fixed.

After an email to the dealer principal it has now been sorted and I will be getting a brand new replacement .

He spoke to vw on my behalf and said I can have anything Upto the value I paid for mine.

So I decided I want the same again. He said the cars coming from the factory now have a new lower part of the block. And they now seem to be ok.

Re: Using Oil!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:49 pm
by AJ_7
big_amir wrote:After an email to the dealer principal it has now been sorted and I will be getting a brand new replacement .

He spoke to vw on my behalf and said I can have anything Upto the value I paid for mine.
[Sarcasm] Wow, that's generous [/Sarcasm]

No offering of any compensation for the malarky you've been put through? I personally find it a joke they offer you the same value as what you paid. Do they not take into consideration all the trips to the dealers, time without your car when your knobbing around in some 3-pot courtesy car? The time/money you've wasted making phone calls and trips and any other expenses which you should have to pay for when you've just shelled out the best part of £20k for a new car. If I were you and ordering a new Polo GTi, i'd voice my concerns and try to get a few factory extras thrown in as a gesture of good will on their behalf.