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Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:41 pm
by Josh_polo
f**k it only just seen your replie b****x!

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:28 pm
by bbspolo
Just got in!
very dissapointed 2 say the least! Only 2 polos in the car park (see more in tescos!) and 2 other dubs!
Had a look round the pub but couldnt find any1 i reconised so headed down starts and had some wicked food with my mates (only plus point for going!)

Maybe next time ill stick 2 the ford and bmw meets, at least they all turn up! :cry:

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:07 pm
by Tim_GTi
Ah no way, what happened at the meet?!

Or did Dan just miss it?

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:55 pm
by DanDiesel
2 polos, 2 other dubs and a Seat i may add! :D

Well it was wet and that probably put a few people off and we know why Dino couldn't make it in the end!
There was my Ibiza, Tom's R32, Doug's Vento, Simon's Polo GT and Charlie's mk7 polo, plus Lolhoward turned up for a while too (nice to meet ya mate). We did see a BMW M3 in the car park, a sort of goldie colour, was that yours bbspolo?

No one approached us in the pub to ask if we were UK-polos though :?

Yes it was a small one, but i enjoyed it and it was nice to catch up with a few people again! Tom, I hope we didn't scare Vanessa too much :lol:

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:10 pm
by lolhoward
And you mate. Sorry I didn't return mate. Went home to get me wallet but by the time I got back I didn't think it was worth returning.

So no one else turned up later then.

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:32 pm
by SpikeyG40
Hey everyone.

Thanks to everyone who came. Yes it was a quiet one this year, if you look at previous years its always been busy, but i imagine the weather did put alot of people off.

Was good to meet you Lolhoward even if i didn't see you for long. Only realised later that you had dissapeared, but thanks for turning up anyhow.

@bbspolo - sorry our paths didn't cross while we were in the pub, i guess thats the problem when no one knows anyone else, but i'm not sure what time you got there, but the meet started from 10.30 and we did stay outside till gone 12. If we'd seen you, we'd have said hey. But at least you enjoyed the food :P

Shame about the number of polos really, but i still enjoyed the time anyway! Some more polos next year? :D

Hope to see you all soon!

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 8:55 pm
by Bryony84
I think the biggest problem was that most of us who were committed enough to come out in the nasty weather were old time uk-polo-ers who have now got other vags. There was quite a few people on the list who didn't show, although a few people did explain why. There was a nice little group of us and we did stay outside for quite a long time before deciding it was freezing and going in for food. We did see plenty of people come through the door in the pub but no-one really looked like they were looking for the meet, if you get my drift.

Lolhoward, it was good to meet you, sorry the turnout wasn't a bit better, hope we didn't scare you off! Similar to Vanessa really, it was nice to have another girly along for the meet, 4 of us this time!! I hope you will join us for 1 or 2 of the shows, they are at least as good fun for the social part as for the cars, Dougs girlfriend Natalie came along to a show last year and seemed to enjoy it!

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:40 pm
by quiksilveralex
Sorry people for not turning up weather kinda put me off im a wimp i know :lol:


Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:49 pm
by charlievwp
I guess it was a bit of a shame that many people didn't turn up but hey, I enjoyed meeting up with you all anyway...even if my food was a bit poo! :lol:

I have to admit, I was almost tempted to pop along to my local montly meet when I woke up this morning to the drizzly miserable weather but i'm glad I came along to see you guys.

lolhoward - sorry, I didn't get a chance to meet you. We turned up last I think due to the accident on the motorway so pretty much got there as you left. Another time hopefully. :wink:

Look forward to catching up with you all again in the coming months at future shows and meets and seeing some of the pics that were taken today! One of the silver-linings was that mine doesn't often get pics taken so with only a handful of cars - she got a bit more attention :D

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:22 pm
by lolhoward
No probs. Hope I didnt seem too rude. Had to go out at 1 and by the time I would have returned I would have had to leave pretty soon after, and had been there since half 10. Hopefully when the weather sorts it self out the meets will pick up

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:00 am
by bbspolo
Yer the yellow m3 was mine! And me and my 2 mates (one male, one girly!) were stood at the bar for a while!
Thing is the only people i could reconise would be tim or alex! and nither of them went!
(having said that alex did try 2 describe the people who were there 2 me on the phone but no way im harrasing random people in the hope that i got the right ones!

on the upside the cavery was top notch and the indrustrial esate was a good playgroup for 20 mins when we came out! 8)

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:39 am
by M3 JAY
Nice M3 bbs polo sounds familiar !!!! :twisted:

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:59 am
by NOZ
If I came I would've spent most of my time checking out the cars so the rain did put me off. It was bucketing down in Central so thought it'd be worse in Dartford so decided to wimp out last minute :oops:

Wish this meet would take place more often or atleast yearly when the weathers much better. Guess I missed out 2nd time running but I hope to make it next year.

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:55 pm
by ModifiedMadness
Was a bit of a disappointing turnout for the number of names that were put down but was still a good day. Good to see the usual crew again (all who no longer have Polo's, with the exception of Simon) Good to see one face from UK-Polo's, shame you couldn't stay any longer though mate.

Vanessa enjoyed herself, thanks to all for making her feel welcome. I'm sure she'll come along to something with me if she's free :)

Also, she was the only one who got to enjoy the sound of the .:R through Dartford Tunnel which I must say - made me smile a bit like this :mrgreen: :lol:

So, all in all it was a good day out although I wouldn't say it's fair to call it the UK-P South East Meet!

Re: The UK-P South East Meet 2009

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:39 pm
by SpikeyG40
ModifiedMadness wrote:all who no longer have Polo's, with the exception of Simon
Oi! I still have my polo don't forget :P

The R sounded awsome in the carpark mate, and look so evil coming up behind me on that slip road! :D I had you on that roundabout though :roll: lmao