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help needed!!

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 10:54 pm
by jermaine_mayn_wants_polo
hi evryone im kinda new here, just got my licence n i got my eyes on a '96 polo.. only a 1litre, but im pretty sure thats all insurance is gna let me afford.. ive seen the car i want now, but i was woundering how much anyone out there has got insurance for, and with what company?

no matter where i look online, for a 1litre polo which costs about £1000, evryones wanted £2000 insurance- cant be right surely??

any help would b much appreciated! :D

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 4:40 am
by Tahrey1043
how old are you, gender (physical/legal - not sure from the name), where do you live, got any prior record (no-claims, claims, shunts, tickets & points, etc), and who have you tried so far?

can make some better kind of judgement off of that.

unfortunately if insurance is the be-all and end-all of your first car purchasing decision you're unlikely to be satisfied in the VW camp - you'll probably be looking at a corsa or panda type of vehicle.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 10:56 am
by hayesey
a 1996 Polo will be a mk4 by the way. might be best off posting in the mk4 section?

Although the only way you'll find out how much it's going to cost you is by phoning around as many different insurance companies as possible. It varies massively for each person.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 12:17 pm
by jermaine_mayn_wants_polo
hi again, sorry i wast sure if 1996 was mkIII or what, so took a lil guess and posted it here. Im 17 and a boy, Ive tried pretty much all insurance brokers i could think of, online- ill try calling around later tonight, someone i spoke to told me that when he had his mothers insurance on the car his premium went down dramatically, does this mean mshell keep her no claims etc? is there any hidden risk if i do this, for example would it effect her current insurance in anyway?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 12:49 pm
by SiDaBa
jermaine_mayn_wants_polo wrote:hi again, sorry i wast sure if 1996 was mkIII or what, so took a lil guess and posted it here. Im 17 and a boy, Ive tried pretty much all insurance brokers i could think of, online- ill try calling around later tonight, someone i spoke to told me that when he had his mothers insurance on the car his premium went down dramatically, does this mean mshell keep her no claims etc? is there any hidden risk if i do this, for example would it effect her current insurance in anyway?
How mine worked out is that My mum already owns a vehicle of which she has full No claims. When insuring my Polo in her name she had to start a new set of No Claims as they can't be used on two policies.

So if you mum already has a car and this will be her aditional car insured in her name then she'll be starting a new set of NCB. Still be cheaper than insuring the car in your own name.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 2:29 pm
by jermaine_mayn_wants_polo
ah so itl work out cheaper but she'll loose her NCBs? guess im gna have 2 "pursade" her somehow

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 3:29 pm
by GroovyCarrot
Don't get quotes online, they're only any good if you're a 'normal' driver (ie not a new driver buying his first car). Phone around the insurance companies, play them against each other, they are flexible to a certain degree.
The way I've done it is I'm insured with CIS (co-op) under my dad's name, with the car insured for anyone to drive. Works out at about £435, I'm 18, male and driving a 1986 1.0 polo, so same kind of thing really.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 6:33 pm
by pettsy
jermaine_mayn_wants_polo wrote:ah so itl work out cheaper but she'll loose her NCBs? guess im gna have 2 "pursade" her somehow
she'll still have the ncb on her own current policy, but if she starts a second one in her name she will have to start earning ncb for the policy.

PS Moved To Mk4 Section :wink:

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:38 pm
by 1litreheater
my insurance is 1600 fully comp, got a mk 4 1litre r reg, its with tesco

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:47 pm
by James0121
alright mate

you might be better doin pass plus for one as with norwich union it knocks about 45% off which is fair amount. when i was 18 and insured my 1.4 8v mk4 it cost me £1200 with pass plus and if you take there brake down recovery out at the same time u get a further discount. it seems better to ring round then to get online quotes i dont know whether anyone else has found that. hope that helps


Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 4:23 pm
by pete69zx
now for a start... im a little bit older than you are, so the time when i was your age... i managed to insure a 1990 Fiat Uno 1.1S for around £900 fully comp (that was well over 10 years ago now!! lol).

the figure of £2000 sounds absolutley astronomical to me, even by todays standards of insuarnce pricing!

best bet is as the other guys have said before me, call round as many insurance companies as you feel you can. Why not look at getting insured Third Party Fire & Theft instead? (yes this does have many dissadvantges ocer being insured fully comp, but the one thing that will be of interest to you is... cheaper insurance quote!!)

Maybee to help give you something to look forward to one day is... im 29 with over 7 years no claims bonus & 6 points... i pay around £300 thrid party fire & theft, & i feel im getting robbed with that price too!)

good luck m8 :wink:

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 7:25 pm
by polo69
Im 18 and have had my Polo since i passed my test, a 1.0 99 MK4. Insurance costs me around £550 TPTT with CIS


Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:37 pm
by pologlx34
CIS is where its at, depends how you want to play it. I'm 19 and been driving my polo since i was 18. I couldnt cope with driving a 1 litre car (tooooo sloooooooooow) so my father is insured as the main driver and owner of my car. His policy allows him to let anyone of any age drive it, (ie me, whenever i want.) Works out at just over 400 a year on my 97 1.6 glx, quote for when i upgrade to a 1.4 16v was basically no different, around the 400 mark. Problem is of course you dont get any no claims bonus to your own name.....

I was helping a friend out with his insurance recently and you'd be suprised how many little things make a big difference in the quote, for instance his parents are divorced, the insurance for him on his 53 reg 1.2 fiat punto doubled when he switched the address from being stored at his mothers house to his fathers house. CIS have a good online quote service, just have a play and see how far you can bend the rules :) :)

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 11:15 pm
by mk4ads
When I was 18 my insurance was a little under £900 fully comp with liverpool victoria, that was on a pug 306 1.6 then I got my polo and i was 19 it was £700 fully comp, this year 20 with all mods declared, £6.5k agreed value, track cover etc etc etc its a little under £500 fully comp with HIC, not bad huh? :D


Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 10:57 am
by jermaine_mayn_wants_polo
hey again evryone, thanks for all the help! i phoned CIS and a company called fizzle, and managed to get it down to 800ish on a 1.4 (i think) mk4 polo:D i think ill go with CIS because of reccomendation and im not sure if to trust the other one 'cos NOBODY ive asked has ever heard of them (thanks anyway for the reccomendation cymrupolo)

can anyone reccomend any simillar cars in case i cant afford a decent polo? hopefully ive got about £1300 to spend
thanks again!