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Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 11:58 am
by dxg
OK, so the first cold spell the car's seen - it's been sitting outside for a couple of days - it's been down to around -4oC here and now the fecker won't start.

For gawd's sake - my 9 year old punto was more reliable than this.

Not impressed.

At all.

So I've called "VW Assistance" - who's taking bets on how long they'll take to arrive.

(And the irony of it all it - it's booked in for a service it's been saying it needs (wonder if its related?) tomorrow - i just wonder if it will make it there under it's own steam)

Can't be coil packs - unless they've _all_ failed at once - engine turns, but not catching, battery seems a good bet esp. as it was turning slower and slower and....

Ta ta for now,


(Thanks Josh for this forum, btw - at times like this you just need to "vent" - and I'm now stuck here at home all by myself, with no one to vent to - there go today's plans)

(That Lupo's starting to look more interesting - or maybe it's time to cut my losses with VW altogether)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:27 pm
by polo2k
what fuel are u using
i have heard from an ex employee of a garage that shal remain annonimouse :P for this post at least, that certain sites "water the fuel down" so depending on the volitility of the "water" it could have frozen or created a lock.
and yes its always good to rant :D

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:38 pm
by dxg
Safeway's finest (so it could be anything...)

Does sound a possibility, though.

(Secretly, though, I'm hoping that VW forgot to put antifreeze in it - so they'll would surely have to refund me in that circumstance (it's about all I would expect at this stage)).

Deek - filling time 'till these people turn up.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 1:11 pm
by dxg
Ok, so the lesson is don't start your New Polo (*spit*) on a very cold Friday night when coming back from the pub to show your mate the "pretty disco lights", because the ECU can't deal with a cold start without being driven anywhere afterwards. It floods it. Hmmm...

Still interesting guy to speak to - told me a few things about my dealer that could be useful and an interesting comment about the New Polo was made...


(It was one hour, twenty minutes to get here btw)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 4:25 pm
by Guest
dxg wrote:and an interesting comment about the New Polo was made...
Care to enlighten us :wink:

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 6:11 pm
by mole
Yes, what he said ;)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 6:17 pm
by dxg
Basically just talking about the New Polo (*spit*) in general - about how VW can't quite believe just _how many_ they're selling. He was saying the Polo's outselling the new fiesta, which I can believe just from looking around while driving.

He said he'd never seen my problem before - the car flooding when started cold (btw, my feet never came anywhere near the gas pedal - did it all by itself), but he did comment that "the electrics" is emerging as their weak point.

But, then the Golfs and Passats aren't exactly free of problems that area, either... I'm talking about general grelims with central locking, alarms, windows reported by various people across in the mkivs forum, not the coilpack problem, which could be best described as "extraordinary".

There's a fair probability I'll be selling mine tomorrow anyway (Yay!), so I'm honestly not that bothered any more.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 6:22 pm
by mole
I have seen LOTS of new polos around saying that.

Strange problem, got worried when I read your first post as Im taking mine to Sweden in feb! Dont want it not to start cos of the temps!

I've not had any major probs with my car, rattles being the main ones.
Latest prob Ive had to the seatbelts not wantin to retract, have to force them back in, which is quite annoyin.

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2003 5:24 pm
by des_pd_ tdi

Like you I have the 3 door Polo, my passenger seat belt does this, only because my girlfriend does not retract the belt properly and it gets twisted.

Simple solution move the seat as far back as possible and lower it so it sits on the deck.
