Anyone on Vodafone 'Pay As You Talk' having trouble tonight?

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Post by Tahrey1043 »


probably having some kind of enormous internal networking f*-up, if they're anything like Orange (they have it on a regular basis)

that or one of these rabid bands of anti-phone-mast protestors have gone and pulled your local transmitter down because its within a mile of somewhere where there's people or something. I think that's happened in my area. Used to have 3-4 bars all the time. Regularly struggle to get any signal at all in the house nowadays, since the snake oil peddlars found a new bandwagon.

(the sorry thing is that the most rabid one i know has their TV on all the time and lets their kids sit right up close to the 30-inch widescreen in their lounge - the emissions from a regular mains wire at 1m are worse than a phone mast at 50m already, but a television at 1/2m is enormously worse. Loves to wave this little "emissions detector" around... yes, well done, you've built a transistor radio thats tuned to Ghz rather than Mhz... phones work by radio... did you think it was going to be silent? Thanks to a heads up from some very serious people at the hospital's radiation protection services department, I'm no longer decrying any/all effect from phone emissions - but I also know they're a damn sight less troublesome than the regular AC ring main in your house, which may as well be an enormous, low power but continually active MRI scanner)
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