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Shocking Police Tactics In Hastings!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:44 pm
by MadManMike
I went out in my friends car the other night, and there's a "Boy racer" car park on the sea front. It's full of the usual Vox Nova rust-buckets and saxo's with spaceship style snow plough bumpers...

Anyway, EVERYONE was being pulled over, they locked the car park and they were jacking cars up left right and centre, MOT'ing them on the spot... Fines galore and general wrist slapping...


Hastings has awful assaults and rapes, drug dealers and burgulars... But hey, target some car enthusiasts. Fair enough a lot of these people are quite sad and drive awful cars, but they aren't REALLY doing much wrong.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:01 pm
by 2Fchris
That makes my blood boil, it really does.

Anyone who reads porka will know of the trouble I had when hit by an uninsured driver and the police not bothering to track him down after leaving the car at the scene of the accident.

Comes down to this. The police are idle B4STARDS and don't wont make any effort so they pick on people doing 5mph over the limit or people with slightly ill-spaced number plates.

I hate the police force with a passion

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:40 pm
by R1CH
it gets me too,recently my sister while on a night out got beaten black and blue...i mean really seriously by some gang of chavs,the investigating cop said there isnt much he can do as they were all under 18 and they had a lack of evidence etc etc while the following day i was sat in the back of a traffic car for 30 mins while a cop did ''routine'' checks on my vehicle for no apparent reason,it really gets my f**k!ng back up,still thats life i sorry bout the moan