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Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 9:38 pm
by Giorgio
Look at the review section on Amazon

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 12:02 am
by polo69
I don't think i've heard of anything being able to use HD, but it sounds legit, although at £75 looks a bit cheap for what we're paying for HD tv's.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 10:18 am
by Tahrey1043
probably does some upsampling techo jiggery on any progressive-scan discs you have... it'll smooth the pic out at least, whether it can actually "improve" the picture beyond what's already on the disc is questionable :D

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 8:40 pm
by ModifiedMadness
I like Comet as a shop but the people that work there are complete a-holes especially the Ginger guy in the Bedford one, how the hell he's a manager I don't know.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 11:14 pm
by SiDaBa
Just in quick defence as I'm sure i know some Comet staff and i *THINK* someone on here is and he's a very nice chap if i'm thinking correctly.

There are probably some really brilliant people at Comet it's just the rest of the people (especially the Ginger one from Bradford...for ModifiedMadness' sake :wink: ) let the rest of the team down.

No i do not and have not worked for Comet.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 11:25 pm
by mysteryboy
Bunch of rudeboys working in a comet near my house...all boping like one leg is shorted than the other... cannot take them seriously

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:41 pm
by DanDiesel
well ok i'll own up
i work for comet and i'm not gonna say we're great but the levels of service do differ from store to store.
some of the managers are total and utter w**k to be frank and this does have a downwards effect on the staff, who are treated with no respect.
its all about making profit and to some managers, thats all they care about. most stores are now non commission based and this has improved customer service as people work together to make the store money and help the customers as much as we can.
commission just makes the sales staff try and out sell each other and this means getting thru customers as fast as possible!
my store has many customers that return many times a year because they r pleased with their service, and this is because we have decent managers!
my final point is that a store can do all they can, but there is just no pleasing some people! :D

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:50 pm
by mysteryboy
On most occasions its all down to management. They put the staff down and treat then like sh!t which will only lead to staff retaliating... I know this from experience as I had a d!ckhead of a manager when I used to work for sainsburys and I had a lot of responsibilities as I was a code controller which means u leave one out of date product on the shelves you get screwed at. And having to cover a big department by urself with no help gets to you... so when they try screwin at u...u screw back... and sometimes I used to leave early and get someone to clock me out :lol: just to wind up the manager... Yes it true I too can be a pr!ck...
I think it all comes down to who ur working if ur all getting along then this will reflect on the customer service u provide...

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 6:15 pm
by mysteryboy
CymruPolo wrote:[I won't buy anything off them again.
2nd that

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:00 pm
by DanDiesel
tis a fair point and we all learn from our own experiences mate. i'm not saying we're great, but a lot of the time, its not the stores fault. our service centre is s**t to be quite honest! they send back repaired items to the stores to be sold as clearance and quite often they still don't work!!
bloody useless i tell u!! very frustrating for us!

but if u don't wanna buy anything from comet, then thats ur choice and i respect u for that!
as someone said its all about the managers. if the managers supposrt their staff then there will be better customer service!!