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Hmmm How the balst do you change these lights?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 12:43 pm
by CalvinGTI
I got up last weekend looking forward to 'simply' changing my front lights for those after market ones. (the spot light inside the light, wotever there called! Xenons?)

Anywayz, how the blast do you get your old lights off? I can see that there are 3 fixing points. The top one is easy enough, but the other 2 are a nightmare.

It even looks like you have to take off your front bumper JUSt to get to them!!!!

Any help from someone whose done it b4 would be so HELPFUL !

Im at a loose end im not the most mechanic minded of people around so i tend not to tinker with my car unless i know wot im doing, why did they make it so hard !!! haha


Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:01 pm
by blackgti
Hi there Cal,

You will have to remove the front bumper if you want to change the front head lights.

You have to remove the grill from the car, then you need to unscrew all the trox screws from around the bumper. Then it should come off.

After that you should be able to take off the headlights.

Good Luck M8



Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:17 pm
by CalvinGTI
Sorry for late reply ! thanks for the help mate.

Im gonna wait for a nice warm/sunny weekend b4 i do them.

Just one question. . these 'trox' screws ?

will i need a special tool ? or is a trox screrw that one that looks like a star (loads of points) ?

Any further help wud be evern greater :¬P


Re: hmm

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:31 pm
by KarlM
CalvinGTI wrote: or is a trox screrw that one that looks like a star (loads of points) ?
there the ones, mis-spelled i think. should say torx