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8v vs 16v..

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:43 pm
by Coma
So i've had my heart set on a 16v, however im getting sick and tired of the closest one being 200miles away.
Besides the obvious cosmetic differences, is there much difference in the drive?
Im assuming the 8v will have about 20 hp less?

Re: 8v vs 16v..

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:14 pm
by Coma
I can get insured on a 1.6 for less than a 16v too...
any opinions between the three?

Re: 8v vs 16v..

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:44 am
by NOZ
There is a big difference in terms of driving as the 16v is the highest model in the 6n range. It has a difference of 25bhp compared to the 8v and sounds gorgous pass the 4k rev band :twisted: The 1.6 is better then the 1.4 8v but i'd recommend the 16v all day. I've had both the 8v and now a 16v and can say i've never had a bigger smile on my face everytime I drive it. Its very nippy and can usually keep up with bigger motors as a few nonces have noticed when trying to race around (thinking mines a 1.0 with a teenager at the wheels! :roll: )

Furthermore, with a few essential mods you can get another 25bhp which matches the 6n2 GTi.

Mine is up for sale at the moment (if an offer comes it sells kinda thing) and everyone will probably know from the pricing of 16v's in the market that mine is probably the cheapest for the most spent on a motor. Its not too far either as i'm in London. Travelling a distance is worth it for the right car. I picked mine up from Telford with a courtesy car, which I spent £200 on the night on petrol for both cars!

I like mine so much I don't really wanna get rid of it but would want a bigger car now as i'ev had it for 3 years. I've also got a mk2 Golf itch :mrgreen:

Have a look at my thread in the photography section for pics. There is a old sale thread if you do a search. :idea:

Re: 8v vs 16v..

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:29 pm
by Coma
Your cars nice, though too much dollah for me lol

Re: 8v vs 16v..

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:06 am
by influenceamc
ive worked with alot of 8v and the mojority of the work was on replacing the exhaust manniefold pain in the rear lol