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Claiming from the council

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:18 pm
by adam_0612
Right basically the council are doing roadworks on my route to work. I drive a lowww 6n2 by the way.

From the pictures below you will see my problem, there is a large bit on the road that sticks out (looks smaller in pictures)

I drove over it this morning accidently on my way to work and it has knackered a few things. I havn't been able to check the car out, but it is getting checked out tomorow at my dads mates garage.

However the steering is completley knackered, hopfully just tracking but don't know yet. It was like being in a crash the car took such a hit the seatbelt has locked up, even the coin tray flung open and splattered coins everywhere!! There may be more problems, but dont know as of yet.

I rung the council and they said they would send a claims form, but how do i go about this and what would people recommend??

The pictures do make it look smaller. You have to take into account the ground is raised by tarmac around it and then the metal sticking out. Remembering i drive a loww 6n2 on coilovers so tehre really was a BIG impact.




Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:22 am
by Tim_GTi
That's unfortunate mate. I don't have any experience with contacting the council but I'm sure filling in an icident and claims form would be a stab in the right direction. Let us know how it goes, as I'd like to know for future reference.

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:36 pm
by adam_0612
Yeh i will keep you updated of how it goes Tim.

Been in the garage today to sort the damage.
What needed replacing is as follows:
Anti Roll Bar
Wishbone Arm
Exhaust brackets & adjusting
Remote Bracket
Bottom Ball Joint
Tracking (to get done tomorow)

Few pictures to show the damge:

Damaged SubFrame & Anti Roll Bar (can't really see the anti roll bar)

Damaged Wishbone Arm


Remote Bracket

Exhaust Brackets other little things

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:19 am
by adam_0612

Had tracking done this morning at £28.75 and car is back to normal now

Now i just have to see if the dam council will pay out for it all

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:17 pm
by Tim_GTi
Geez man that sucks! How much has everything cost you?

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:56 pm
by tomo87
i doubt it very much that you will get anything back...they will say your car is impractical because its so low

also the bump has the white paint on it so you should be aware....

both of the above i disagree with too...but thats how they will get away with it i think

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:47 am
by adam_0612
Geez man that sucks! How much has everything cost you?
everything has cost me £250, but thats all 2nd hand parts and cheap labour with it being a dads mate

However if got parts from a VW garage they quoted £400, then add about 6-7 hours labour on that and its an expensive do!!
i doubt it very much that you will get anything back...they will say your car is impractical because its so low

also the bump has the white paint on it so you should be aware....

both of the above i disagree with too...but thats how they will get away with it i think
yeh i can totally see what you mean, but im going to try claim anyway, worth a shot. Just waiting for the claims form to come through and then see what happens.

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:02 pm
by charlievwp
Definitely report it to them :o

I deal with this sort of stuff at work and you might be surprised to find that other peopple have had the same problem - which will help your claim.
It looks like a storm drain cover which has been left above ground level while reinstatement settles.
If it was proud enough to cause that sort of damage then they should have put more warnings out ('raised iron works') etc
When you submit the claim form, make sure you enclose your photographs too - it's great evidence and it also shows that you've gone to some trouble and you mean business!
Make sure you also enclose all the receipts/quotes for the work - it saves time and gets the claim sorted much faster. The council will probably pass it all through to their loss adjusters who will have a set time in which to contact you.

Good luck!

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:09 pm
by charlievwp
Oh, and if they try to say that the white paint was some sort of warning - that's rubbish. The paint is only used as a reference point for them.

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:05 pm
by adam_0612
Thanks charlievwp

Im going to fill the claims form tonight, ive got all the reciepts and photos to send along with it. Worth sending train tickets aswell, as i couldnt use my car for a couple of days? And time off work?

Also any advice when filling out the form? Specific things to mention, etc??

Also how long should i wait for a response from them, or should i keep pestering them?
Oh, and if they try to say that the white paint was some sort of warning - that's rubbish. The paint is only used as a reference point for them.
On that picture i have made the brightness a bit up so you can't see the cross, doesnt look altered though.

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:57 pm
by Tim_GTi
Exactly what happened, exactly when and where it happened. And exactly what you need. Be polite and straight to the point. good luck with it!

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:58 pm
by charlievwp
adam_0612 wrote: Worth sending train tickets aswell, as i couldnt use my car for a couple of days? And time off work?

Also any advice when filling out the form? Specific things to mention, etc??

Also how long should i wait for a response from them, or should i keep pestering them?
Yes, any consequential costs incurred, including train/bus fares etc are worth sending along too.

All receipts/invoices need to be sent - even if the repair is not complete.

With the form - Just walk through exactly what happened. What speed you were doing etc....
If your car is 'very' lowered then I would be careful how much you declare. Although it is important not to lie, if there are no straight-up questions asking if your car is lowered then I would be inclined not to go into that detail if ya get me! In some cases they may ask for photo's of your car overall though which you'd have to supply.

Each company has their own response level of service which basically means that the only way to get answers is to pester them! If the council do pass the claim to a loss adjuster, then make sure they inform you of who the loss adjuster is and get the contact details for them along with any reference numbers etc.

I'm not an expert but if I can help any more just shout me! :D

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:07 pm
by adam_0612
Thanks for your help so far mate, it is appreciated!!

I have filled out the form, got all receipts and pictures together for posting tomorow. I have scanned it all onto my computer incase it is needed for future reference.

Suppose all i can do now is wait for a response. I will keep you informed as soon as i hear anymore.

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:17 pm
by chewy
If they had a "raised manhole covers" sign up you screwed mate.

If they don't go take some pics of the road works coz I am sure one will pop up soon

Re: Claiming from the council

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:33 pm
by ransonneil
I've just been reading this and wondered what happened about the letter you sent?