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neighbour dispute -

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:57 pm
by Joe_Mk5
i live in a cul de sac and have owned my car for around 2 years,
ive parked my car in the same spot for the time ive owned it, the spot is empty and does not block anyone.
there was no problem untill a neighbour purchased a second car and has tried to take the space i have been parking in for years.
i know i have no right to this space as its a public road but many arguments have been caused as a result.

argument 1
i parked where the man in question parks his first car as there was no where else to park. he then came home and blocked my car in even though by this time there were several other free spaces.
As i went out to meet a friend he asked me to move my car and i calmly said i didnt have time and that i had no need to, he has no right to the space.
He got very angry and threatened me unless i moved the car. i did no such thing, stayed calm and told him if he tried i would take him to court as im a minor- bear in mind i was 17 at the time and he is a middle aged man with a family. he swore and argued with me and i walked away calmly. my parents and other neighbours witnessed the whole situation.

argument 2.
about a month later - 2 days after my 18th birthday i noticed he was writing somthing down about my wheels so i opened the door and asked what he was doing.
he replied by saying it was none of my business and to go inside.
i explained it did involve me as it is my car - to that he called me out to the street to "say it to his face"
i didnt leave my house as i didnt really feel fighting him would really go in my favour so i watched him walk to his house. then i shut my door.

these arguments had continued for the past few months and i feel its starting to become harrasment.
hes even had the cheek to come to my house and say to my family he doesnt know why im so cheeky and have a problem with him, my family have seen the arguments and it is clear that i stay calm and he is at fault.
most recently today, i came home from work and parked.
i then look outside to see that his daughter had parked behind me blocking me from reversing, his first car has blocked me from going left and there is a wall in front of me and a green to my right. i am totally blocked in.

does anyone have any advice on what action to take to prevent him from continuing to do this, i feel if i go to his house to ask him to move he will try to start a fight.....again!

cheers joe!

Re: neighbour dispute -

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:38 pm
by Tim_GTi
Sounds like crap. If you've had the same spot for the last year or so, what gives him the right to take it? I understand that it's a public road and no one can claim one spot from another, but if no one else is involved surely you can calming agree with him that he have the one spot and you have the other?

Has your dad tried speaking to him about this matter?

Re: neighbour dispute -

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:05 am
by Joe_Mk5
my thoughts exactly tim,
after the first argument where i stayed calm and he thretened to "loose his rag with me" he came to my house when i was out and said to my dad
"i dont know what happened, joe just got really lippy with me id appreciate it if you could keep him under control"
to this my whole family laughed at the man, keep me under control? surly he should be kept under control as he was the angry one and not myself :P

i was able to park in my usual spot today whilst he was at work and i had a day off.
this evening i picked my mum up from work at 10 30 which takes 20 minutes to do.
in the time from when i left to when i came home he had come outside, moved his car into the spot i was parked in specifically so i couldnt park there when i came home and then went inside again

childish? i think so :x

Re: neighbour dispute -

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:58 pm
by chewy
I have the same problem, I park my polo on the drive but I also have a very large (6.5m) sprinter van for work.

When I was coming home from work I could not get the van parked because the house next door has three cars and whenever they went out that would take the car off the drive leaving the other two in the street.

so I went and spoke to the guy next door and explained the situation that I work on call and I need to bring the van home and that I understand that its large and an inconvenience but he understands and now they leave me enough space to get the van parked.

So I think going and speaking to the person in question might help solve the situation if not give me a should and I will stick the van in the street give him something to twist about :D

Re: neighbour dispute -

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:19 pm
by shantybeater
Get someone to park their car there for a few weeks, he'll get bored eventually or do something he regrets.

Re: neighbour dispute -

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:30 pm
by jason11
sounds a bit childish lol, let him have the spot and block him in lol :lol:

then see who's laughin lol :wink:

Re: neighbour dispute -

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:22 pm
by chewy
You could try using this on his car

click click

Re: neighbour dispute -

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:15 pm
by Joe_Mk5
ha love the replies everyone!
think the wheel clamp could be...interesting to say the least :wink:
ill keep ya posted on what happens!

Re: neighbour dispute -

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:39 am
by kipper
u could always do wat hes done to u to him. block his car and or his daughters car and even go outside and start randomly writing something on paper so it looks like ur writing stuff about his car like he did urs. then when he comes out winging and asking u can say to him, "right! this has been going in for ages now are we gonna be adults and talk and resolve this issue or carry on like child forever? if u wanna be a child so can i"

and if that dont work tell where to shuve it.

Re: neighbour dispute -

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:25 pm
by acid drop
Have you thought of having a word with the local police, they may be able to advise you or even have a word with your nasty neighbour