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Making my own website, need help

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:20 pm
by Tim_GTi
Hey guys and girls,

I'm looking at starting up my own website, something that has my own domain name, which I can make regular updates to, including pictures, embedded videos uploaded from vimeo, and blogging capabilities (people can make their own comments on it).

Does anybody know a good cheap place to go to to host this?

I want to be able to design it all myself with ease, preferably online (not having to download a separate program and working through that) as I may not be home when I want to update it.

I've done a quick search now but the results are pretty overwhelming as you can imagine.

I've got a few friends making suggestions but wanted to know if any on here nows of anything also.


Re: Making my own website, need help

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:01 pm
by pololo
Hi mate,

I'm currently hosted with EUKhost - they're fantastic! good support and fast servers. You'll probably be wanting one of these plans:

As for domain, I bought my own domain separately and changed name server records. I always buy domains from and they've never let me down - also, good control panel, very easy to use.

Sounds like you pretty much want a blog and if I were you I'd go for - again it's easy to use, you can add posts, pictures, videos online. You can play about with a full version of wordpress at ... =WordPress and see if you like it.

If you do go with EUKhost they use cpanel which includes fantastico - and will automatically install wordpress for you!

I think I've covered all the basics, if you need any help just ask - I've set up quite a few websites and used to run my own server back when I had more time to mess about with stuff like that.