Car accident

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Car accident

Post by Ladiesman_317 »

Hi, before i start i dont think this is the right place to post this thread, but im gonna do it anyway, if you wanna move it, feel free to do so, but i just wanted some advice.
Basically, i got rear ended at the lights, by this girl who drove a silver supra (she was doing around 30-/+mph when she hit me). Fortunately the damage on my car, is VERY minor, just need a new rear bumper and maybe a new rear light. she needs a new bumper and i THINK she broke a few things inside. We exchanged details, i called up my insurance and they said they will deal with it and i should hear back from them. Being a new driver, ive never been in this situation and my voluntary excess is £1000 (cheapest insurance policy i could find). I know i shouldnt have to pay anything, because she ACCEPTED responsilbility but my insurance company said, your may have to pay your voluntary excess which is £1000. WTF?! I would really appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction. Also i was gonna claim for whiplash, as i have a stiff neck, but my local hospital isnt open on weekends, will it be acceptable if i notify my insurance regarding whiplash on monday?
Thanks, really appreciate your time and help.

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Re: Car accident

Post by blazeguarder »

Glad the damage isn't too major mate. Sucks when this stuff happens, I was rear ended in January in the same circumstances as you, such an effort to sort it out. You'll have to declare it on your insurance for the next few years as well even though it wasn't your fault.

If she accepts responsibility when she tells her insurers, then you shouldn't have to pay anything. I believe it's only if she changes her story and it needs to be investigated further then they may make you pay your excess and then refund it to you later. Generally speaking it's usually obvious who's at fault in this sort of incident but still needs to be checked out. You shouldn't need to pay the full amount anyway, if it's only cosmetic damage then it won't cost £1000 to replace the bumper.

As to the whiplash, unless it REALLY hurts then it may get better by Monday anyway. If not, go and see your GP because you need medical proof that you aren't just trying it on.

Hope you get it sorted mate.
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Re: Car accident

Post by Ladiesman_317 »

Aaah cheers for the info, bro.
Anyway, for the meantime, i got this months copy of Performance VW this morning. oh gawddd.
i love the smell of new mags.
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Car accident

Post by benmkiv »

Currently going through this with my other half because no one could agree on blame even though it was clear as to who's fault it was she had to paythe excess and will e refunded when all is sorted fingers crossed. As far as the whiplash goes just mention it to your insurance and they'll let you know how Togo about it but a lot of people will not see this money for a year or two and it's a lot of hassle and form filling. We would have dropped the personal injury claim just to get blame sorted :( also bear in mind whiplash can only be claimed once in your lifetime. Silly map crap :p
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Re: Car accident

Post by panason1c »

If she'd been doing approx 30 when she hit you, (as you state), the damage to both cars, and yourselves, would have been substantially more serious, have you seen those crash test videos at 30mph where the vehicles are literally demolished?

Also, both cars in your pics are relatively minor damage and i would be surprised if you get a whiplash injury claim based on that evidence.

As for blame......she is clearly at fault as it is obvious that she ran into the rear of your car and should be a straightforward claim against her insurance, there is usually no defense for driving into the rear of another car.
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Re: Car accident

Post by Ladiesman_317 »

haha, just looked at a youtube vid and i did over exaggerate it. But it seemed to have hit me at really high speed, maybe partly because i was shocked when i found out it was a supra, realistically 10-15mph?
From what ben has stated, i dont think ill bother with the whiplash claim, cause it seems to be too much hassle involved.
Thanks guys, really do appreciate your help.
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Re: Car accident

Post by Dub_Dan »

mate im telling you to go straight to the hospital on monday and get it on the records in case you do file for whiplash let me tell you whiplash can stay with you for a very long time iv been in two crashed now someone going into me at 50-60 miles and hour while i was doing 20-25 ish and last august when some woman in greece cut my cousin and me up and sent us into a concrete wall at 50 mph my back is now in agony and im 20 years old and i blame these last 2 incidents had an mri scan last week now im just waiting for results...

good luck with everything as i know insurance companies are Cyunts!!!
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Re: Car accident

Post by david burton »

You'll have to pay your excess when you settle the bill at the car repair shop. Then the insurance company will try and recover the costs - basically your excess and their repair costs from the other insurance company.

Once this is done - and it is pretty much guaranteed if they rear end you - then you will get a cheque in the post for your excess, plus interest, plus any costs / loss of earnings you claim (which is probably zero).

It shouldn't take too long because it's clear cut and they probably won't argue - but if they do then you are looking in the order of months before it's all sorted out.
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