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MK3 Clocks Removal

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:30 pm
by DanW
I've had problems in the past with removing the clocks and I didn't really know what I was doing untill I asked people a few hundered times what i was doing. But I still managed to break stuff (some how my digital clock is broken ah well)

Firstly you need to get hold of the clips that will enable you to pull the clocks out. You can always make it out of an old coat hanger like I did
(Note the sexy seat colours :wink: )

Remove the radio and the block encasing it so you can get beside the clocks at the back

You then need to remove the crappy plastic cover around the steering column.

Take the screws from underneath the column first.
THen try and prise the top plastic bit off
This is probably the hardest bit of the hole thing, in that it's aquward. There is a small prong/clip going into the steering column which keeps it in place you may be able to get it off by just pulling the right way (which mine now does), but if it hasn't been off before it will be a bit harder and taking a screw driver to it is a good idea (after about 30mins you may feel like getting a sledge hammer at it but... :lol: )
Once that's off, take the prong things. And put them in the clocks

At this point it easily come out, in the case that it doesn't get a screw drivers and push in the grey prongs whichare behind the radio on the left hand side of the clocks.

You'll then need to get the loom connector out of the back of your clocks, to do this you need to push the clip down and pull on the wire.


After that's out I HIGHLY recommend getting the casing for the lights out. A screw driver should easily prise it out.

Then you can undo the screws on the back... Done :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:53 pm
by Revis
(some how my digital clock is broken ah well)
nothing to do with banging the clocks very hard or anything :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 10:53 pm
by GroovyCarrot
Hmm.. seeing this makes me wonder if I could stick a mk3 dashboard into a mk2.. has anyone heard of this being done before?

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:51 am
by Karl_CLCoupe
Can't say I've heard it being done before. In theory it could work, as long as the connector plug on urs will match up with the socket on the mark3 clocks. There is also the obvious dimensions, but seen as the mark3 dash is only slightly changed from mark2, there shouldn't be an issue. All I can suggest is give it a go.


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:57 am
by Karl_CLCoupe
Just found this on my travels. Guy there reckons that you can't fit a mark3 set of clocks into a mark2 dash. You have to change the complete dashboard for the mod to work. All you would be able to do is fit mark2 Coupe S dials (with rev counter) into yours I'm afraid. ... &tid=19248

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 12:37 pm
by GroovyCarrot
Yeah, that was what I was meaning, changing the whole dash. Mk2 dashboards are basically just a square lump of plastic in the front of the car, makes it feel so dated so I was thinking a mk3 dash might bring it all p to date a bit :)

Anyway, I'll give it a go if I get bored over the summer.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:32 pm
by D4V1D
im currently doing this at the moment, havent got a 23mm socket to get the sterring wheels off tho, so i cant get the mk3 dsah completly out but i it all seems to share the same mountings and stuffmain things gonna be these clocks, if the dont share the same conectors/plugs shouldnt be to much of a job to change em. ill let ya no how it goes

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 10:14 am
by GroovyCarrot
Excellent, yeah, let me know :) Does the wiring loom in the mk3 dash use the same connectors to connect to the rest of the car? If so, I would have thought it's a simple job just to plug the mk3 clocks into the mk3 wiring loom (I seem to remember the clocks have difference connectors from last time I checked at the scrappy..)

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 11:25 am
by DanW
against popular belief, you don't need to take the steering wheel off. The first time I had the it out 86c did it for me and he took the steering wheel off, all it did was help menouverability a bit.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 3:01 pm
by D4V1D
yeh, after alot of farting about i got the dash outta the mk2 but the mk3 the steering wheel deffinitly needs to come out cuz its got that cubby hole beaneth it

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 11:40 pm
by GroovyCarrot
You managed with the steering wheel on on a mk2? Bloody hell..
When I last took my dashboard out I had to remove the steering wheel and all of the indicator / wiper stalks because there was just no way I could get it off without breaking anything otherwise.. I don't understand how you did that..

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 5:11 pm
by DanW
@D4V1D: which cubby hole ru on bout?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 10:43 pm
by D4V1D
yeh i got it out (just), twas a bit of a battle but got there in the end. i know what you mean with the stalks but there more bendy then they look, lol. plugged the mk3 clocks in to the mk3 and the plugs for the wires are different. ill get a pic tomorrow an show what i mean. should be ok after a session with the soildering iron and some wire cutters
(he says :oops: :? )

dan mate, under the steering wheel on my mk3 theres a cubby hole to the right and i swear thats got a bar that goes across the bottom of the dash and attaches to the other side where the heater controls are.
admitidly i only looked when i was loosening it and trying to pull it out. havent looked since cuz im still trying to scrounge a 23mm socket...

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 10:49 pm
by GroovyCarrot
D4V1D wrote:should be ok after a session with the soildering iron and some wire cutters
Don't suppose you've had any luck with the rewiring, have you? I'm going near the scrappy tomorrow, wondering if it's worth my nipping in and taking a mk3 dash off their hands for a bit of a project :D

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 2:32 pm
by D4V1D
nah sorry mate i havent. twas my birthday this week so to busy getting drunk and comiserating(sp) :D , riding and trying to sort the gt. id say if the dash is dead cheap then get it any ways and if the mk3 clocks in a mk2 dont work just run the mk3 dash with mk2 clocks??