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Volkswagen Driver Track Day @ Castle Combe - 24/07/2004

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 11:41 pm
by Josh_PoloGTi

The club has been invited by Autometrix Publications to take a free display place at this years Volkswagen Driver Track Day at Castle Combe on Saturday 24th July.

This clashes with Bug Jam for me, however if I can't get the days off surrounding the weekend, I'll be up for a bit of this Track Day as I don't want to have to work anywhere near Bug Jam (hehehe).

We will have space for 8 cars and our Gazebo...

Everyone attending (whether on the stand or not) will need to pay the £5 entry fee (per person, not per car).

I need to get back to Autometrix by Friday 9th July...

Sooo, please let me know if you're up for it.

Castle Combe is near Bath IIRC... Check here for more details:

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 9:18 am
by blackgti
Hello m8, well thats around the corner from me! Looks like I'm gonna have to pay the good old club a visit then! :D Let me know if your gonna be there for definitate please

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:57 pm
by cyhliu
Josh mate, I'll most probably up for it unless something clashes with the date, have to get back to you on that one once I can check the diary...busy man me! ha ha ha!

I assume it will be too late to get a place on the actual track?

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:44 am
by metz
I would be up for it too, although i better make sure i'll be able to attend on that date first.
Josh do you want me to stick my car on the stand? I know its pretty much standard but as far as i know its the only saloon on the forum so would be different from the rest.

thank you