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MkII owner needed for CCW feature

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 11:11 am
by VickyD
Hi Folks

Apologies if this breaks any rules, but due to various reasons I am trying to find a MkII Polo owner who is happy to speak to Classic Car Weekly about their car. It's nothing too onerous, just a 10 - 15 minute conversation with the feature writer saying why they like their car for a small panel within the feature. We also need a picture of you with your car to illustrate that section.

If you would like more details please let me know at and I can answer any questions.

We need to sort this by Monday at the latest.

Many thanks

Re: MkII owner needed for CCW feature

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 12:29 am
by alexperkins
Post on - they have a much more active mk1-mk3 community :)