Car Keyed !!

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Car Keyed !!

Post by Norbreck21a »

Had the wife ring me in tears last night when she got back to her car after work. Her pride and joy (our mint Polo Blue GT in Blue Silk metallic) has been keyed. She said she felt sick. She's absolutely heart broken.

Not just a little bit, on the off side from just behind the headlight right down the wing, through the door and all the way through the rear quarter panel to the rear light - and really deep, down to the metal in places :evil: :evil: :evil:

It's either bored kids, or as yesterday she couldn't' park in her usual spot, (she parked just round the corner in another street) someone took exception to her parking in "their" spot - even though it's a standard street with no assigned parking for any of the residents. Makes my blood boil and if I ever got hold of the fekker who did this, I'd do them serious damage by keying their face !!!

Just last month bought the car outright from VW finance as well. What is it that drives these brainless morons - and why are they still allowed to breath air !
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Re: Car Keyed !!

Post by SRGTD »

Mindless, wanton vandalism like this makes my blood boil. I find it totally incomprehensible that the lowlife scum that do this probably get some sort of satisfaction from their actions.

Hope you get it sorted soon and that your wife’s car is back to its pre-damaged condition. If you’re getting repairs done under your insurance, be aware that you don’t have to use your insurer’s approved repairers, nor do you have to use a VW dealership’s body shop to keep your corrosion warranty valid (it would need to be a VW recommended / approved repairer though to keep your corrosion warranty valid). Here’s a link to VW’s website so you can check out the VW recommended repairers in your area; ... ocator-map
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Re: Car Keyed !!

Post by veteran »

Awh, that's just terrible. I empathise wholeheartedly. I once had one of my pride-and-joys broken into and wrecked, despite me having parked it in a trustworthy precinct. Under cover of an early winter evening and with few people around, the ba****d(s) found they couldn't overcome the door locks from the outside, so instead they smashed the side-windows and crawled through one of the openings. Their aim, as the results showed, was to steal the somewhat ordinary but third-party radio I'd installed in the dash, and they jemmied it out. It's highly likely they were on drugs and needing some quick money. It took weeks and weeks for all the mess and damage to be rectified, and of course I had to buy a new radio. (Insurance didn't cover that unfortunately, and couldn't get the same radio again as it'd been discontinued). The experience had a lasting effect on me.

I guess your insurance will cover the cost of having the paintwork restored. Some repairers are remarkably good with bodywork and repainting but, like me, you and your wife will never look upon your vehicle in quite the same way as originally from hereon in. I can understand that.

I'm not an advocate for this country placing street cameras here there and everywhere but, in this case, something like that might have helped, if only to later apprehend the perpetrator. If I were Home Secretary one of the many changes I'd try to legislate would be for criminals, petty or otherwise, who are caught doing willful damage to private and public property to be themselves charged with the costs of repair or replacement - and to do that irrespective of the criminal's income - no mamby-pamby over-liberal excuses! If not them, then their parents, guardians or whoever. Total down-and-outs would be forced to do long hard community service. We then might see some reduction in these behaviours.

I suppose that in the wider context there's a real and ever growing problem in this country of the divide between the rich and so-called poor, and it fostering envy and resentment. Of course, that divide needs tackling. All the same, I can't help but think that schools should spend less time teaching youngsters how to pass exams and should concentrate more on educating them about how our communities work, about civic pride, and being kind and considerate toward others.

There, I've had my rant. Hope it's made you and the missus feel a bit better.
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Re: Car Keyed !!

Post by Norbreck21a »

I went to work in the Wife's little Polo Blue GT (DSG), yesterday as it was keyed all down one side some weeks ago and yesterday the guy I know, who I trusted to do the repair came to our business and did it in the car park under a makeshift "tent" spray booth (fantastic job BTW considering it was a full one side respray and blend) I'm pretty anal about such things and literally spent 20 mins looking up really close, down the sides, at panel joins etc. and honestly couldn't tell it apart from factory - it really was that good.

Here's some during's whilst he was prepping it. I'll get some afters up once the car has been cleaned (which won't be for a week to get the paint chance to fully harden).



On taking Mel home (that's what she call's it), I was taking it easy (so just 60-65ish MPH) as I didn't want to pick up any stone chips etc as the paint would still be soft, I was amazed when I go home to see the MPG it did. 62.7mpg for a 16 mile journey (11 miles motorway and 5 miles standard town roads / traffic lights etc), and that was including the usual 15 min crawl from work to the motorway (just 0.5miles away).

That's from a car that can still do 0-60 in 7.6 seconds and 140+ mph - pretty incredible what these modern cars are capable of really.
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